October 2022
It’s the little things
You know the expression, “Little things can make a big difference”? It exists because it’s true! For Kris Parsons, the impact of “little things” have lasted a lifetime and inspired her to give back.
When Kris was 10 years old, she needed to stay at HSC Children’s Hospital for a month. At the time, she was unable to walk or even get out of bed. Following a previous bout of osteomyelitis, one of the discs in her spine had deteriorated so much she needed a body cast and complete bed rest in hospital to help her heal.
Kris has fond memories of Child Life staff and nurses spending time with her, doctors showing her kindness and her favourite daily activity – watching The Good Day Show on CHTV, hosted by Noname the sock puppet.
Thirty-odd years later, Kris – now an adult living in Ottawa – still remembers the kindness she experienced and shows her gratitude by sending treats to the Child Life team to share with kids in hospital.
Kris says when she’s out shopping and sees a fun item, her first thought is “would the kids in hospital like this?” She’s worked closely with the Children’s Hospital Foundation and hospital staff to help provide exactly what sick and injured kids need with every generous donation.
Kris has sent in many packages to the Child Life team over the years with items like gift cards, colourful bandages, and a DVD player and other electronics to help provide fun and distraction for kids facing treatment. And to say thanks to this special team of people who reassured and supported her when she was a child in hospital, Kris purchased Blizzard® Treats in Manitoba this past August as a thank you gift for hospital staff on Miracle Treat Day, when DQ stores across Canada donate proceeds to local children’s hospitals.

Another special group of people who understand how important little things are for kids in hospital – like celebrating Halloween – is Spirit of Children, the folks behind the Spirit Halloween stores that pop up every fall.
Every year since 2007, they have made the hospital a little less scary for kids by sending an assortment of costumes and donating a portion of sales to Child Life. This is a boo-tiful and generous treat! Learn more by clicking on current community offers.

It doesn’t take much for little things to become big things that are so appreciated by kids, families and staff alike.
In this season of gratitude, we want everyone to know how much your generosity, your commitment and your thoughtfulness mean to the kids who have needed the hospital to get well over the years – like Kris did – and to the 130,000+ kids from Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario and Nunavut who still need our children’s hospital every year.
Thank you for helping to #GiveBetterFutures to sick and injured kids.
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