October 2024
It’s never easy to learn your child may have health complications. In fact, over 140,000 families and caregivers every year in Manitoba at one point or another need Children’s Hospital.
I want to introduce you to a family who had to hear that challenging news before their daughter was even born.
At a 28-week ultrasound Cortney and Mark Lee found out their daughter, Alexis, would be born with a congenital disorder. She was a preemie, born at 34 weeks with a left-sided Diaphragmatic Hernia —a hole in the baby’s diaphragm which causes abdominal organs to move into the chest. This prevents the baby’s lungs from developing properly, among other complications. And at just 40 hours old, Alexis went through repair surgery.
After three and a half weeks of highs and lows, Cortney and Mark were able to take Alexis home.
“After having Alexis and going through the immediate hospital stay and various interventions, we found ourselves very anxious and overprotective,” says Cortney. “Talking through our feelings and worries with health professionals and Alexis’ care team at Children’s Hospital helped us manage these worries.”

The staff at HSC Children’s Hospital supported the Lees in many ways — from taking the time to explain procedures, to noticing when Cortney and Mark needed a break and insisting, they take one — staff even sent them on a date to a Winnipeg Jets game.
“Every time we step foot in Children’s Hospital, we say this place is full of very special people,” says Cortney. “Each time we are blown away by the exceptional care each and every person gives.”
Alexis feels very connected to the team at the hospital too, and when she was younger all her stuffed animals and dolls were named after the health care staff that cared for her.
Now Alexis is doing great, and she started grade 8 in September 2024. She still goes to HSC Children’s every six months for breathing tests and check-ups.
“Having been through scary times with your kids, I feel like the worry never really goes away, you just learn how to manage it.”
Alexis loves trying all sorts of physical and creative activities like soccer, dance, swimming, piano, volleyball, and basketball — all activities her family never thought she’d get to do. The care, equipment, and treatment Alexis received at Manitoba’s Children’s Hospital made that a possibility.

“Without donations and support, most of the specialized equipment necessary for Alexis’ care wouldn’t have been available,” says Cortney.
To show their gratitude for the hospital that helped them so much, Alexis and her family make and sell ornaments and donate all the funds to the Children’s Hospital Foundation. They plan to continue giving back to help other children like Alexis.
“Each little gift felt like a million dollars to us in that hospital,” says Cortney.
Right now, the Children’s Hospital team needs critical equipment like a CO2 monitoring system to help newborns like Alexis. Please support this life-saving tool with a donation today at goodbear.ca/fall

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