November 2019
What an exciting few weeks we’ve had here!
On Monday, October 28th, the final penny was counted, and we announced a special intestinal ultrasound machine would be purchased.
Patients suffering from arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and heritable disorders will now see a reduction in wait times for an ultrasound appointment.
Transplant patients who need renal biopsies can now skip lengthy radiology, pathology, and sedation services. Crohn’s and Colitis patients who will now have a reduced need for invasive colonoscopies. Over 1,000 kids who depend on the HSC Winnipeg Children’s Hospital will benefit. Special thanks to Cohen and Benji for sharing their stories and inspiring so many!

One pair of cinema vision goggles reduces the need for sedation by 30%
Undergoing an MRI scan is no one’s idea of a good time. But for a child these scans are potentially life-altering, and it is hard to convince a child to lie still. Aidan is one of those patients that relies on MRI to monitor his tumours on an on-going basis.
On Tuesday, October 29th, the Cinema Vision Goggle campaign reached the finish line after Winnipeg Blue Bomber Matt Nichols and his family threw the football. It was caught by the Manitoba Neurofibromatosis Support Group who ran it to the touchdown line.
Also, after visiting the patients at the hospital, several Winnipeg Blue Bombers donated their jerseys and helped raise nearly $2,000 for the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Centre. What great support!
Indeed the past few weeks have shown that when we work together, anything is possible.
This Holiday Season
If you are looking for ways to get involved this holiday season, here are some suggestions:
- Start bidding on exclusive items with the Ice Crystal Gala Interactive Auction. Use code word “Goodbear”
- Get your company involved with Christmas for Kids at CF Polo Park
- Hold a Giving Tuesday fundraiser– the one-day global movement to give back
- Help your holiday bills and the Children’s Hospital at the same time by purchasing a 50-50 ticket
- Here’s other ways to support
If there are other ideas you have to make your difference, please reach out to me at, I would love to discuss them with you.
For the kids,
Stefano Grande
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