Playing the way to help make dreams come true

Amanda Ritchot is playing her way to help make kids’ dreams come true after needing the support of HSC Children’s Hospital herself.

“My motto is I do it for the kids,” says Amanda.

Since 2019, Amanda has been raising money by participating in video game marathons with the Extra Life program to help support children who need health care support. Extra Life is a fundraiser that raises money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. By streaming video game marathons, viewers are able to donate through the gaming platform. The marathons last anywhere from 12 to 24 hours. At her first event, she and her team raised $73,000 during the 24-hour event.

She has also raised $700 for the Children’s Hospital Foundation through gaming on her own. Amanda remembers feeling grateful as each donation came in.

“I cried almost every time because I was just so thankful,” says Amanda.

Video games were a huge part of Amanda’s childhood and always gave her a sense of happiness. She credits video games for helping her when she’s been struggling and bringing her back to a place of happiness.

Amanda has a personal connection to HSC Children’s Hospital. She remembers spending a lot of her childhood in hospital.

When Amanda was two years old, her doctor discovered she had a heart murmur. She and her family were in and out of the hospital for procedures and appointments. Her experience inspired her to give back to the community that was there for her and her family during their toughest times.

Reflecting on her time at HSC Children’s Hospital, Amanda and her family never felt like they were alone. She credits the support of donors for her comfort during her tough times as a child.

“Donors make a whole lot of difference in what the Children’s Hospital is about to provide and do,” says Amanda.

Without them, there might not have been enough equipment, activities, or support for her and her family during their difficult time.

Amanda likes to participate in any event at HSC Children’s Hospital. In addition to Extra Life, she has volunteered to play Princess Anna with Heather’s Pretty Parties.   

Her favourite part about volunteering with Heather’s Pretty Parties is making kids smile.

“It warms my heart when kids give you a hug or even wave at you,” she says.

Amanda has always wanted to find a way to raise money for a good cause while doing something she liked.

“This is a dream come true; it really is,” says Amanda.

To join Extra Life and start fundraising today, visit their website here.

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