
For many kids with ongoing medical needs, the hospital becomes a home away from home.

As a child, Fallon started calling HSC Children’s Hospital her small, safe space.

 “I have a deep connection to Children’s Hospital as it helped me become healthier and better,” says Fallon. “The hospital staff were always caring and nice.”

Fallon was born with kidney disease and needed multiple surgeries and ongoing care, including dialysis, at HSC Children’s as she grew up. She is from Poplar River First Nation, over 400 km from Winnipeg, so when Fallon needed treatment, she was away from her home supports. 

“It was pretty difficult when I was younger – I was trying to focus a lot on school in my journey while also balancing my hospital visits and stays,” says Fallon.

“The hospital staff helped so much by providing information whenever me or my family needed it. They helped my family and I to understand my condition and how to manage it.”

Fallon is now an adult, and in 2022 had a kidney transplant.

“It was a rocky start at first and I am slowly starting to get better,” says Fallon. “It feels so nice to be able to get my life better on track and focus on what I want and need in the future.”

Fallon says the Children’s Hospital still has a very special place in her heart, and she will always remember the staff supporting her through her kidney care journey.

“I have so many people who have helped me at the hospital, so I thank them all so much for what they did to help me,” says Fallon.

“At Children’s Hospital, I learned that no matter how challenging life because of my kidney disease that I should never back down, and I’ll always have people to support me along the way.”

Many kids who are diagnosed with kidney disease have an 18-year journey with HSC Children’s, just like Fallon. Right now, HSC Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM) need your help to support kids who need kidney care through donations to Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba.  

Fallon is grateful for donors’ support.

“I would say that every small payment makes a difference, doesn’t matter how much money you give, as long as you know that it helps greatly and supports whatever is needed.”

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