Thank you to the entire Board of Directors, for the generosity of your time, influence and expertise!
Let’s make anything possible.
Michael Holmes Chair
Laura Matlashewski Vice Chair, Chair HR Advisory
Founder Emerald Ten Inc.
Zoë Richardson Immediate Past Chair
Shaun Jasper Treasurer, Chair, Finance Committee
James Richardson & Sons, Ltd.
Ainsley Rice Secretary, Chair, Nominating / Governance Committee
True North Sports & Entertainment
Stefano Grande President & CEO
Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba
Heather Berthelette
Tribal Councils Investment Group of Manitoba Inc.
Dr. Patricia Birk
Provincial Specialty Lead and Medical Director, Pediatrics & Child Health HSC Children’s, Shared Health
Diane Boyle
Canada’s National History Society
Rebecca Chartrand Chair, Indigenous Advisory Circle
President, CEO Indigenous Strategy
Karley David
Boston Pizza Enright Group
Rory A. ffrench
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Chris Kauenhofen Representative, CHRIM Board
BDO Canada
Ashley Holtmann Chair, Marketing / Fundraising Committee
Vita Health Fresh Markets
Kathryn Hordienko
NFI Group Inc.
Kristen Kennedy
Nichola Wigle Interim CHRIM CEO
Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Ben Lee
Dr. Adena Madison
Suzanne Munroe
President, Children’s Hospital Guild of Manitoba
Sam Pellettieri Chair, Investment Committee
Altema Asset Management Inc.
Karin Pooley
People First HR Services
Natalie Robinson
Fitness Experience
Dr. Robert Schroth
Stèphanie Tètreault
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP
Shipra Verma
Elections Manitoba Chief Electoral Officer
Kate Whitton
Director of Health Services, Child Health
Dr. Shawn Young
Chief Operating Officer HSC Winnipeg, Shared Health
Munther Zeid
Food Fare Stores
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