Stefano’s Stories: Your legacy is changing their future

May 2024

When donors make the generous and meaningful choice to commit to a legacy gift, I am always amazed. These kind and caring folks will never meet the children and families they’re helping, but they continue to leave behind donations to give better futures for the kids of tomorrow.

May is leave a legacy month, and we want to share our gratitude for all the donors who have given or committed to a legacy gift. Donors like the Loeppky family, Diane Boyle and Cynthia Menard.

At Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba, we see examples every day of how much our community cares, and legacy gifts – whether it’s a gift in a Will, life insurance, real estate, endowment funds… the list goes on – make an incredible impact for the years to come.

When you decide to make a planned gift, you join a growing list of philanthropic individuals in the Annie A. Bond Legacy Circle. And no matter who you are, you have a connection to someone who has needed or will need Manitoba’s only children’s hospital. Whether it’s your own child, a colleague’s, a friend’s, a niece or nephew – HSC Children’s is always there for our children.

Children like Nixon, who has craniopharyngioma, a rare type of noncancerous brain tumor, and will need support from the hospital as he grows.

Our team first met Nixon and his parents, Liezel and Jason, at Dr. Goodbear’s Hope for the Holidays Give-a-thon in December of 2023. They stopped by to make a generous donation, shortly after Nixon had been released from HSC Children’s Hospital.

What a special family – to be dealing with a health journey of their own and immediately wanting to give back.

And they didn’t stop there. They also returned to the hospital again to donate new toys for kids in hospital, so they would have special gifts over the holidays. And they plan to find new ways to share their support in the years to come.

“We want to help out, so the teams can find new ways to help kids,” says Liezel.

Nixon is just one example of the many children who rely on Manitoba’s only children’s hospital, and his family is one of thousands who are dedicated to supporting others just like them.

Your present is giving better futures for kids just like Nixon. You have no idea what the potential of your legacy could be, but you are helping kids for years to come.  

To begin the conversation on what planned giving options are right for you, speak with your financial planner and contact the Foundation’s annual giving manager, Courtney Nodrick, at 204-894-9043 or

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